We see our team in red every single day, delivering food to our ever increasing number of users across the nation.
Over the past couple of years, the number of delivery partners who have become a part of the Zomato family has considerably increased. We kickstarted with 1.8k delivery partners in September 2017 and are now at 180k+ partners, who earn their bread and butter by delivering food to our users.
It’s not only important for us to constantly motivate our fleet, but also keep them informed on how they’re doing on a real-time basis. In a generation consumed by impatience, instant gratification is a magical way of motivating someone, be it through words or actual benefits we receive from any sort of service or transaction.
The basic problem statement we are battling with is, how can we enhance rider motivation without hurting consumer experience or even better, by enhancing it?
How do real-time tip views work?
Currently, when our users tip their delivery partners, it only reflects on their payout at the end of every week. In our new update, our partners will get notified at the time of tipping itself.
Moreover, we are also looking to enhance the user experience by giving our delivery partners an option of thanking our users for tipping them.
Every user who tips is keen to know whether their delivery partner is happy about this and whether they, in some way have managed to make their day better. A smile on their face or a simple thank you from them can definitely make a user feel great about this action and can also reward them for treating delivery partners better.
Our basic thought process was to ignite a repetitive dopamine release by letting delivery partners know when they are receiving a tip, on an order that they need to accept, are currently delivering, or have delivered.
What do we really achieve with this update?
To better food for more people.