pradyotghate | December 28, 2016 | 2 min read
Introducing pre-ordering to Zomato

With the biggest party of 2016 just on the horizon, we’ve got a brand new feature to help our wonderful users organize the evening better – online pre-ordering! That’s right, you can order your New Year’s Eve dinner right now, and it will be delivered to you fresh on the 31st. Here are the steps to a hassle-free year-end celebration.

Pre-ordering will be available from midnight on the 28th, and will be active up to midnight on the 30th. We are partnering with a select few restaurants to make sure your pre-orders are delivered on time.

In case you don’t place a pre-order (we all have those “last-minute-impromptu parties”), you can still use the regular Zomato online ordering feature for your last meal of the year. However, given the surge in demand, these last-minute orders have a high chance of taking an unreasonably long time to reach you. It’s also important to note that our online ordering service will go offline at 9:30 PM on the 31st. You’ll still be able to call restaurants to order, but given our experience over the last couple of years, restaurants have a tough time efficiently dealing with orders coming in post 9:30 PM on New Year’s Eve.

Still not convinced? Here’s a little more motivation for the party planner in you – most restaurants are offering huge discounts on pre-orders! So help the small business owners (and us) with a bit of prior notice, and we promise to make it an amazing experience for you.

P.S. You’ll only be able to pre-order for New Year’s Eve for now. But in the coming weeks, we’ll be making pre-ordering a permanent feature on the Zomato app.


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